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Looking for professional support? The table below lists coaches and mental health providers, who provide a range of services, including therapy, coaching, counseling, prescribing medication.


Adding recommendations

The providers on this list are currently mostly those based in the US and UK, but we are working on expanding the list to include mental health recommendations from around the world.


You can help by adding a review!


  • If the provider you worked with is not in the table, use this form to add a review.

  • If the provider you worked with is already in the table, use this form.


Thank you very much for contributing! It only takes a few moments and makes this resource even more useful to others for finding a provider that can meet their needs. 


To make sure the reviews listed in the table are unbiased, we request that providers don't preferentially solicit reviews from clients likely to give favorable reviews. In practice, this means making a uniform request of all your clients or avoiding soliciting reviews.


A note on finding help via this table


For those who may not be familiar with AirTable, the filter function can seem unintuitive, but it actually is a very useful tool for finding providers who meet your criteria! Just click on "Filter" and select "Add condition" to apply your criteria. Multiple conditions can be added at the same time by adding more with "Add condition". "Add condition group" can be used to filter by "and" or "or".


More information below the table.


For providers


If you are a provider and would like to add yourself to the database, you're welcome to do so here


Also, if you're a provider already in the database but some factual information needs to be corrected or updated, please add the correct information for yourself via the above link.


If you are a provider who is listed in the table above and would like to be removed from the table, please send an email to and we will remove your information. 


More information on finding help via this table


Note that the table scrolls both up/down and left/right.


Filtering is helpful in many categories to find people who match your needs.


For example, due to our origins in the Effective Altruism community, several providers in this table are involved in the Effective Altruism movement. However, not all are. If you're specifically looking for a provider involved in Effective Altruism, try using the filter function and choose "Populations they specialize in working with" as the condition and select "Effective Altruists" as the option. All Coaches and Therapists from our previous lists have been added to this table. There is a other list of providers recommended by the rationalist and SlateStarCodex communities.


As an example of what a filters look like, if you wanted to filter to providers who are (1) coaches (2) currently accepting new clients and (3) specialize in productivity and prioritization, click “Filter” and set up your filter as such:


However there are some limitations/pitfalls with filtering to be aware of:

  • The fields “approach/types of practice” and “populations they specialize in”: for these, some people have left the field blank, while others have given a short list of entries, and others have given a long list of entries. So filtering on these fields is less useful than other more standardized ones, because some people who may be a great fit won’t come up if you apply filters to them.

  • The field “price” is also not standardized and as such not useful for filtering since it usually contains both a number and/or some explanatory text, and you can’t filter on price ranges.


We are working on addressing these limitations and will update this when the data has been improved. Thanks for your understanding!

©2025 by Mental Health Navigator CIO

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MentNav and Mental Health Navigator are the trading names of Mental Health Navigator CIO, which is registered in England and Wales with Registered Charity Number 1205257. Mental Health Navigator CIO is a Charitable Incorporated Organization and it is regulated by the Charity Commission​ for England and Wales.

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Most recent site-wide update: March 11, 2025

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